About Our Team


trueNorth partnership group of RE/MAX Results

(From Left to Right:)

Marisa Barrett Ogren, Marketing and Listing Coordinator

Carolyn Gronfield, REALTOR, RE/MAX Results

Sharon Siegel, REALTOR, Results Referral Services

Larry Boatman, REALTOR, RE/MAX Results


trueNorth partnership group is a different kind of real estate team.  We are proud to be a true partnership in every sense, partnering with our clients, our team members, and with the Land to co-create the Highest Good for all.  This takes on many forms:

Partnership with the Land

For so long our society has viewed the Land as a passive and inert piece of dirt on which to site a building, a farm, or a home.  We are compelled to focus on a higher way of thinking: we, the people, belong to the Land.  From Her body we are created, nurtured, and fed.  When we die, our bodies are returned to Her body to facilitate the growth of Her other creatures.  It is time for our collective society to shift from “I own this land” to “I am the one who has the responsibility for the care and stewardship of this Land to ensure that the needs of all of Her peoples and creatures are met.”

trueNorth partnership partners with the Land by helping each of our clients find the place to which they belong; helping them to intuit and identify the place they are meant to steward and to thrive.  Our partnership with the Land includes listening, awareness, asking for permission, offerings of gratitude, and stewardship of the Land for which we are fortunate to have personal responsibility.  Our time, energy and money is reciprocally returned to Her as we help with restoration and awareness of the Land, Her waters and Her rightful stewards.

Partnership with our Clients

We believe that each person has a place that they are meant to be at any given time and that a call to come HOME is being subtly transmitted by the Land.  It is experienced differently by different people, but the underpinnings are a restless urge to move on, to find a different place, to plug in and seek connection.  Our clients often come to us with lists of culturally acceptable desires and phrases, such as “open concept” and ”light and bright”, but ultimately what they are really looking for is not the specifics, but the place where they fit and belong.  We help our clients to find this place by deeply listening to both the Human desires and the call of the Land.

Partnership of our Team Members

Our group is set up differently than most residential real estate teams.  Our structure is non-hierarchal, allowing for shifting and changing roles.  Each of us brings our sacred gifts to the whole, and each looks out for the others.  We are a small but mighty wolf-pack of people who care for each other and our clients, who believe creating spaciousness and a wild, beautiful life for each team member is a meaningful and worthwhile pursuit – and is beneficial to our clients, our industry and the world.

We are so grateful to have the opportunity to partner with you.  Thank you!


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